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Which Best Describes You?
Past License Suspensions
Past License Denials
Are you now, or have you even been required to complete a SAP return to duty program

Applicants must have a minimum of 10 years from the date of completion of a SAP program to be eligible for hire with HVMC Transportation LLC.  Individuals currently in a SAP treatment program are ineligible for hire.

Federal Motr Carrier Safety Reulations (49 CFR 391.21) require that allapplicants wishing o operate a commercial motor vehicle list all employment fo thepevious three (3) years. In additon if you hae driven a commercial motor vehicle previously, you must prvide employmet history fran additional seven (7) years (fo a total of 10 years). Any gaps in employmet exceeding 1 mont must be expained. You understan we are required to request verification of employment and will contact all periovious employers fo past ten (10) years.
I understand that by complteing an submitting his applicationI am authorizing HVMC Tranpotatin LLC tomake investigations (including contacting curent o pervious eployers) into my prsonalemployment, fnancial, medial history, and othr related matters as my b necessar in arrivng at n emplyment deciion. I hereby release employers, schools, health cae providers, andothe personas from all liability in rsondig to inquiries adreleasing infomation in onnection wit m application. In the event .f employmet, i understand tha any false or misleading statements orinfrmation gien n this applcatin or anyinterviw ma result i dischare and wihholdn ofany costs incurred by HVMC Tranportaton LLC dring the new hire prcess as a resul of my acceptingan ffer f employmen after providin falseor fraudulen infomaton to includecots assoiated with pe-employmet drg testing, medical certificatins, or ohr expenses associated with te hiring process. I undestand that te nfratin I proie regarding my current and/or pro employers may be used, andthoe employers will e contacted fo theprpos ofinvestigating my safeyperfomac hisor as required by 49 CFR 391.23. By electronicallysubmittingtis pplicantion I am certifing it is true and accurate and that all statemns hav bee made true ad correct to th bst of my knowledge


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